Response to GMC Appeal Karim v GMC

Responding to the news today that the GMC is appealing the findings made by the Reading Employment Tribunal’s of Direct Race Discrimination:

Mr Karim is very disappointed at the GMC’s decision to appeal.  The Tribunal made clear findings on which it based its conclusion of race discrimination. It also noted the statistical evidence demonstrating the adverse treatment of BME doctors by the GMC and what it described as the “level of complacency about the operation of discrimination in the work of the GMC.”  This was illustrated by answers given by the GMC’s witnesses including around the GMC’s equal opportunities policy and training.  It is particularly regrettable that the GMC have decided to appeal in the face of the strong and clear findings made by the Tribunal. The appeal will be rigorously defended.

Any appeal will serve as yet another distraction, when full focus and commitment should now be given to a reform of the fitness to practice process to address the over-prosecution and other discriminatory treatment of BME doctors.


Consultant calls for reforms to GMC’s discriminatory disciplinary process


World renowned doctor wins landmark race discrimination claim against the GMC